Flux air-gapped installation

How to configure Flux for air-gapped clusters

Flux can be installed on air-gapped environments where the Kubernetes cluster, the container registry and the Git server are not connected to the internet.

Copy the container images

On a machine with access to github.com and ghcr.io, download the Flux CLI from GitHub releases page.

List the Flux container images with:

flux install --export | grep ghcr.io

Copy each controller images to your private container registry using crane:


for controller in "${FLUX_CONTROLLERS[@]}"; do
 crane copy --all-tags ghcr.io/fluxcd/$controller  <your-registry>/$controller

Bootstrap Flux

Copy the Flux CLI binary to the machine inside the air-gapped network and run bootstrap using the images from your private registry:

flux bootstrap git \
  --registry=registry.internal/fluxcd \
  --url=ssh://git@<host>/<org>/<repository> \
  --branch=<my-branch> \
  --private-key-file=<path/to/private.key> \
  --password=<key-passphrase> \

Note that you must generate a SSH private key and set the public key as the deploy key on your Git server in advance.

For more information on how to use the flux bootstrap git command, please see the generic Git server documentation.

Bootstrap Flux and authenticate to a private container registry

If the private container registry requires authentication, you can pass the credentials to the Flux CLI using the --registry-creds flag. Replace username:password with your credentials and run:

flux bootstrap git \
  --registry-creds=username:password \
  --image-pull-secret=regcred \
  --registry=registry.internal/fluxcd \
  --url=ssh://git@<host>/<org>/<repository> \
  --branch=<my-branch> \
  --private-key-file=<path/to/private.key> \
  --password=<key-passphrase> \

The Flux CLI creates the image pull secret specified with --image-pull-secret in the flux-system namespace and configures the controllers pods to use it.

To update the credentials in the image pull secret, you can re-run the bootstrap command with the new credentials or update the secret directly with:

flux -n flux-system create secret oci regcred \
  --username=username \